Personal Information Protection Policy
Personal Information Protection Policy
As a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company, we comply with applicable laws and regulations, government guidelines and other rules governing the handling of personal information based on our strong recognition of the importance of protecting personal information, and set out our privacy policy as below and will ensure that not only our employees, but also everyone who is engaged in our operations are kept fully informed of the policy.
- 1.We will establish our personal information protection management system compliant with JISQ 15001 (a management system which includes the verification and review of policies, structures, plans, practice and operation for protecting personal information) and will execute, maintain and continue improving the system.
- 2.We will comply with prescribed rules when collecting, using and delivering personal information, and take proper measures for handling it appropriately without using it for unintended purposes.
- 3.We will take necessary and appropriate measures for safety control of personal information in order to prevent and rectify information leakage, loss or impairment.
- 4.With regard to complaints and consultation about personal information, we will strive to solve problems by responding to them appropriately and promptly.
If you have any questions regarding Personal Information Protection Policy, please contact our Personal Information Inquiry Desk. Contact information is provided in section 9 of "Privacy Policy".
Established on December 1, 2001
Revised on October 1, 2018
Atsushi Watanabe
SCSK ServiceWare Corporation
Privacy Policy
SCSK ServiceWare Corporation ("SCSK ServiceWare") endeavors to protect personal information in line with our Personal Information Protection Policy. As an entity that handles personal information, we will comply with all of the terms and conditions set forth below.
1. Chief Privacy Officer
Executive Officer and Division Director, Goro Tanaka
2. How we use personal information
SCSK ServiceWare will use personal information only for the purposes listed below.
[Personal information of clients and business partners]
- Business communication
- Execution of contracts
- Notification of products and services supplied by SCSK ServiceWare and group companies (*1)
- Announcement of seminars and exhibitions hosted, co-hosted, co-sponsored or otherwise held by SCSK ServiceWare and group companies
- Response to inquiries or requests from clients
- Requests to customers to complete surveys, e.g. customer satisfaction survey
- Identification of business partners' employees or temporary staff pertaining to the execution of contracts
[Personal information of employment applicants and registrants]
(Please be aware that providing insufficient personal information may delay or prevent the execution of necessary procedures)
- Employment screening (excluding registration of temporary staff)
- Job introduction (please be aware that depending on the work conditions or requested start time we may be not able to introduce jobs promptly)
- Response to inquiries and comments addressed to our company
- Requests for information about our recruiting campaigns and for survey participation
- Notification to and management of individual applicants and registrants in our outsourcing business, including dispatching of workers
[Personal information of employees (including former employees)]
- Human resource management, such as employment and hiring, and confirmation of business matters related to accounting, general affairs, etc.
[Personal and Cookie information obtained from our company website]
- Cookies and other related data, acquired on this website, are linked and analyzed with personal information possessed by SCSK ServiceWare. This data is then used towards providing information about our products, services, and events, as well as for other business activities.(To change your cookie settings, please refer to the Terms of Use page)
- Any specific purpose specified by a client in entrusted services, including our contact center services (*2)
- Any other purpose that the individual concerned is notified of and agrees to in advance
- *1"Group companies" refers to SCSK Corporation and companies with at least 20% of overall shareholders' voting rights directly or indirectly held by SCSK Corporation.
- *2When entrusted with services associated with our contact centers and conducting such services using personal information disclosed by a client, SCSK ServiceWare will handle such personal information within the scope necessary to perform the entrusted services.
SCSK ServiceWare will provide notification of and follow the necessary procedures for using specific personal information, including personal ID numbers, each time information is collected, based on the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual for Administrative Procedures ("Numbers Act").
3. Use of personal information for purposes other than those listed above
When SCSK ServiceWare must use personal information for purposes other than those listed in 2. above, SCSK ServiceWare shall obtain the prior consent of the individual concerned for such use, except as permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
SCSK ServiceWare will not use specific personal information even with approval from the owner, except as permitted by the Numbers Act.
4. Assignment of personal information
SCSK ServiceWare may outsource part of our services to subcontractors to ensure smooth provision of services. We will entrust the subcontractor with the handling of personal information only to the extent required for such purpose, ensuring that we select an appropriate subcontractor that meets the criteria set forth by SCSK ServiceWare, enter into a contract with the selected subcontractor concerning the handling of personal information, and undertake proper supervision of the subcontractor's work.
5. Provision of personal information to third parties
SCSK ServiceWare will not provide personal information to third parties, except when outsourcing operations to a subcontractor as described in 4. above or where:
- SCSK ServiceWare has obtained consent from the individual concerned
- SCSK ServiceWare provides personal information in such a way that individuals cannot be identified, such as in statistical data
- SCSK ServiceWare is required to provide personal information under applicable laws and regulations
- The disclosure or provision of personal information is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual concerned
- The disclosure or provision of personal information is necessary for the improvement of public health or to promote the health of children, and it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual concerned
- SCSK ServiceWare is obligated to cooperate with national or local governments in their administrative work as stipulated in laws and regulations, and obtaining consent from the individual concerned may adversely affect the implementation of such administrative work
SCSK ServiceWare will not provide specific personal information to third parties (including group companies) even with approval from the owner, except as permitted by the Numbers Act.
6. Management of personal information
SCSK ServiceWare will execute safety control measures to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information and to prevent such information from being leaked or corrupted. For more information on SCSK ServiceWare's safety control measures, please refer to '4. 情報セキュリティ強化のための安全管理措置' within the section "情報セキュリティへの取り組み"
[Handling of personal information of job applicants and registrants]
SCSK ServiceWare will store and destroy the provided personal information of hired employees in accordance with corporate rules. For applicants who do not become employees of SCSK ServiceWare, the rules are as follows:
"Permanent employee", "Associate employee (M)", "Contract employee (M)"
- To be retained for one year after selection and then disposed of.
"Associate employee (H)", "Contract employee (H)", "Contract employee (L)"
- Registered: To be retained for one year after selection and then disposed of (if there is contact with such employee, one year after last date of contact)
- Unregistered: Documents provided are used only for screening, and are disposed of soon after selection
Please be aware that there will be no notice of disposal and documents provided will not be returned.
7. Recording
SCSK ServiceWare may record phone calls to confirm and evaluate the content and response of service providers and for training purposes.
8. Inquiries complaints, disclosures, corrections, additions or deletion of content concerning personal information
For any inquiries, complaints, purpose of use notifications, disclosures, corrections, additions, deletion of content, suspension of use, termination or discontinuance of provisions to third parties for personal information you have provided, please contact the Personal Information Inquiry Desk.
SCSK ServiceWare Corporation
Toyosu Foresia 12F, 3-2-24,Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
9. Name of authorized personal information protection association to which SCSK
ServiceWare belongs and contact for complaints.
The following contact is available for complaints about the handling of personal information:
[Privacy Complaints Desk, JIPDEC]
Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032